Pastors and attendees lay hands and pray over Donald Trump during the Midwest Vision and Values Pastors and Leadership Conference in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, on Wednesday.
The Republican nominee promises to 'fix' African-American communities. And expand stop-and-frisk policing nationwide. Donald Trump campaigned Wednesday morning in a church in a historically African-American community and sold himself as the candidate who could fix the problems of urban America. Within hours, Trump was proposing a vast expansion of “stop-and-frisk” policing policies that have proved explosively controversial in black communities for encouraging racial profiling.
It was just another day in Trump’s up-and-down black outreach campaign undertaken to wash away the stain of racism charges lobbed at him by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
The effort has taken Trump from a black church in inner-city Detroit earlier this month to addressing largely white audiences in rural North Carolina where, on Tuesday evening, he proclaimed in a small town named after a slaveholder that black communities "are absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before, ever, ever, ever."
On Wednesday, Trump hit the campaign trail with former boxing promoter Don King – who dropped the N-word before a group of pastors at a Cleveland church while extolling Trump as a “gladiator.” King hailed Trump as the rare candidate who would overthrow the existing political system under which minorities have suffered.
“The system is the problem, and he’s the only gladiator that will take on the system,” King said.
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