יום רביעי, 6 בינואר 2021

What Biden and Trump voters say they want the other candidate's supporters to know about them

Rubén Weinsteiner

“We the people, not the government, are in charge. We set the standard. We accept or reject ideals that are what we believe is good for our brothers and sisters, no matter what. To love is the only truth. I want what is best for the nation, not for just me.”

Man, 50s

“I think this has been a very contentious election. If you don't agree with those who support Biden, you are often labeled a racist or a hatemonger, etc. I think it is a shame that they are unable to accept that we have different opinions and can disagree without it leading to violence as it has.”

Woman, 80s

“Trump has helped people more than Biden ever will. Biden cannot be trusted.”

Woman, 20s

“As a Trump supporter, I am not your enemy (but you make me feel like it).”

Man, 40s

“I believe every person should take responsibility for one's self and family and not expect someone else to provide for them. I believe in freedom and do not want the U.S. to go to socialism or worse.”

Woman, 80s

“Free speech must continue to flow. I believe we can disagree about many things without labeling each other as immoral, bad, ‘Hitler-esque,’ or racist. I am teachable, are you?”

Woman, 60s

“I am not deplorable, homophobic, xenophobic, gynophobic, or racist. Youth have been and continue to be indoctrinated against everything and everyone that is not or doesn’t support the far left.”

Man, 60s

“Your party has been hijacked by hate. You are a party that is solely against things with no clear message of what you are for. You enabled an autocrat and no one, especially yourselves should let you off the hook for that.”

Man, 30s

“I am a proud American. I am not a socialist devil. I am not better than you, and I know there are many different paths to peacefully achieve our shared goals if we just take our blinders off and work together.”

Man, 70s

“I believe the country does better with a strong middle class and a well-educated populace. I don’t believe the Republican Party currently supports the common man vs. special interest/lobbyists. I deplore the hate-spewing Republican/conservative media, I’m confused as to how they advance your message.”

Woman, 60s

“As a farmer, I love our country and see my family try to raise crops and livestock cheaply and have to work many long hours with expensive equipment. When they end up not making a good living wage it is very shattering. Americans demand cheap food and we are not allowed to set our sale price. Also, we can't understand why our elected officials are not honest and don't work together to improve the welfare of the common family.”

Woman, 80s

“I want our country to retain our basic rights (e.g., religious freedom, freedom of speech, the right to life for all including the unborn).”

Woman, 70s

“We have more similarities than differences, but the big things like racism, gun control and hate groups cannot be negotiated.”

Woman, 50s

“Even though we are all individuals, we must work as a community. This is not about individual rights. It must be for the greater good. We need to help and protect those in need. We need less ‘my way or the highway.’”

Man, 60s

“To vote for Donald Trump, you are either incredibly self-centered (i.e., support the economy over humanity) or a racist. Equality and equity for Black people do not automatically translate to socialism. Most people want a fair opportunity to succeed and not a hand-out.”

Man, 30s

“I don’t focus on us and them, and I don’t place them into stereotypical groups, as they should not do either. We probably have many more things in common than we don’t, but we need to find the most appropriate person to unite this country.”

Woman, 30s

“We are all brothers and sisters united together in the land of the free and the brave! I would remind them of our patriotic duty to protect America, and why it matters.”

Man, 30s

“We will give Biden the same respect and cooperation you gave President Trump for the last four years.”

Woman, 60s

“You voted for him, now we're stuck with him. You only have yourself to blame when you start losing your constitutional rights, your taxes go sky high, and your retirement is gone. Thanks a lot, you idiots.”

Man, 40s

“We are Americans, not enemies. Different political views should not disrupt friendships, and our system of government is based on give and take. I believe the Republican Party has forsaken this principle. ... The Republican Party went so far right and rigid, that it left people like me behind.”

Man, 70s

“I would have them understand that, in spite of our differences, I do not think they’re all idiots or undeserving of their own free will and self-determination. I blame the vectors of misinformation and divisiveness rather than the ‘victims’ on both sides. I would have them understand that I’m willing to have a learning conversation based on truth, morality, and doing what’s best for all of us if they are willing to as well.”

Man, 30s

“I am more educated and informed than the average Trump supporter. Trump supporters and I share much in common as far as demographic and other characteristics. However, I have taken the time to develop a sophisticated understanding of social and political phenomena. I recognize that the problems facing society are complex and require complex policy solutions. The simplistic solutions to these problems that Trump offers his supporters are not appealing to me. I realize as I am writing this how elitist I sound. But it’s the truth.”

Man, 30s

“I'm not filled with the hatred they are filled with.”

Woman, 70s

“It’s hard for me to answer this because I don’t think Trump supporters are interested in understanding me. And I can’t understand how they can admire someone who is a bully.”

Woman, 70s

“I think we all need to focus less on partisanship and more on the fact that we are all Americans who want our country to succeed – which means everyone succeeds, not just a few.”

Woman, 30s

“Hate is not acceptable. Voting for a candidate that supports hate against minorities and women is an act of hate against those people. Respect, decency, education and science should be the basis of political debates.”

Woman, 50s

“I would like the evangelical Christians who support Trump to know that I also consider myself to be a Christian and I strongly believe that we can coexist in a respectful manner despite our different political perspectives.”

Woman, 50s

“The Republican Party is morphing into the blue-collar party, while the Democrats are adding to their ivory tower.”

Man, 30s

“I live in a rural area, care about all my neighbors, respect gun rights, believe in non-intrusive government, and want the government to work to help our community and all citizens lives better lives.”

Man, 60s

“I’m not a racist. I want what’s best for the economy of our country. The president doesn’t have much power on his own.”

Woman, 20s

“Biden supporters need to grow up and stop acting like morons. They call conservatives Nazis and racists, and some have even said they think we should die of coronavirus. Some have even said we should burn in hell. They need to realize that we are their neighbors, friends, and sometimes we are family members. Most conservatives don’t talk about politics because liberals get so triggered about every difference between us and them. I don't want to lose my friends and I don't want to alienate my family, so I stay quiet. They need to realize that they are not always right and there are other ways of looking at things. And just because I don't fight with you, does not mean I agree with you. BE NICE!”

Woman, 60s

“Stop listening to Fox News and shock talk radio and just realize that we are neighbors and could be friends.”

Woman, 70s

“I believe both parties need to set aside their anger and work together.”

Man, 60s

“Choosing to be kind is not choosing weakness.”

Man, 40s

“I believe words matter. I believe the leader of our nation should be a model of how our citizens should treat each other, including all members of our globalized world, and how we should be treated. ”

Woman, 40s

“Leftists don’t want to give people ‘free stuff,’ we want to give people what they already deserve. ... We don’t want the government to run everything – we want to give people more power over their lives. Instead of buying into the demonizations and caricatures, talk to us. You might find many points of agreement with progressives, socialists and anarchists if you’re willing to look for them. ... Bottom line: Engage us in discussion with an open mind and you might be surprised at how much common ground there is!”

Man, 30s

“The good of the country requires compromise and cooperation. Name-calling doesn’t work. Lies don’t work. We need to heal.”

Woman, 60s

“Stop only watching mainstream news and do more research on your own. Try to find a news source on a level playing field and don’t be closed-minded.”

Man, 20s

“A person’s support of a candidate or party does not make that person a Marxist or socialist – I would argue those people couldn’t even properly define either term – and if more people were willing to have an open dialogue, they would find average Americans will agree on more than they disagree.”

Man, 30s

“I need a lot of medical appointments and medications, but I can’t leave the state or my insurance is worthless. I believe health care should be a human right. Biden may not be there yet, but at least [Biden is] not actively trying to gut the medical system, so he got my vote.”

Woman, 40s

“Know that the media is very biased and has misled many about the issues, personalities and accomplishments of the candidates.”

Woman, 70s

“I am not – and most Republicans are not – haters. We cringed at Trump’s words as much as you did. We want many of the same things, we just see different paths to accomplishing them. Let's both listen with open hearts and heads.”

Woman, 60s

“I think climate change is an existential threat to everybody. And I am strongly in favor of fair and free elections, even if they don’t provide the results I want.”

Man, 30s

“Compassion, honesty, integrity and character matter in our elected officials. Regardless of Trump’s political views, he did not display any of these qualities.”

Woman, 60s

“We want the same things: Security, happiness, prosperity. We also probably like similar things: Sports, movies, music, etc. In the end, we’re pretty similar. ... In fact, we have more in common than we don’t.”

Man, 20s

“By voting for Joe Biden, I am actually furthering most of their own personal interests, particularly economically, and definitely the interests of the majority of the country. I am pretty far left on the political spectrum, but that does not make me a ‘socialist.’”

Woman, 30s

“I am an ordinary American citizen whose great-grandma was a slave. I worked for more than 30 years before retiring. I want a better and diverse America to live in same as you.”

Woman, 40s

“We all don’t fit into the ‘soy latte drinking godless hippie elite’ stereotype.”

Woman, 50s

“That I am deeply religious, patriotic, committed to my family and community. That I don’t see them as my enemy and, even if we disagree, we are all Americans and have much common ground.”

Man, 30s

“The vast majority of Democrats do not condone voter fraud or false claims of voter fraud. Trump supporters need to get their information from objective news sources.”

Woman, 70s

“I support the average American and feel strongly that all Americans should have access to reasonably affordable health care. I have worked all my life and raised a family never needing public help, but know everyone is not as fortunate, and I am willing to give others less fortunate the help they need.”

Woman, 80s

“Republicans are not racist, homophobic, ‘better than thous.’ I believe that generally, Republicans are concerned about further demoralization and destruction of the foundations this country was founded upon.”

Woman, 30s

“I am a middle-class American facing the same issues you are. We all want the best for our families. Social problems are the problem of the middle class whether we like it or not, it’s in our neighborhoods.”

Woman, 30s

“I think it is [hypocritical] to get your news from multiple sources, including ones typically from the point of view of the "other side," then vote on a candidate's policies and platform versus just looking at their personality.”

Woman, 60s

“We have a lot of the same beliefs, and if they would just stop listening to all the nonsense Fox News puts out and all the lies Donald Trump says, then we could all get along much better.”

Man, 40s

“I’m an ordinary person just like them, but I value my rights and freedoms. I believe we can all get along with each other if we are all willing to try. I don’t dislike people because they are Democrats. I try to get along with everyone; I believe we all have a right to our own opinions, and I will respect their right to their opinion.”

Woman, 70s

“They need to do their homework. Biden has so much baggage that will prevent him from being an effective leader. There is clearly a double standard at work.”

Man, 70s

“I think the most important thing for all of us is to do all we can to slow and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Our current arguments about health care, the economy, immigration and foreign policy will be pointless in the face of climate change.”

Woman, 20s

“I think that we all want the same things: Security, safety, good health, the ability to provide for ourselves and our families, meaningful work for ourselves and our children, and the preservation of freedoms as stated in our Constitution. I believe that for all citizens of this country, not [just] those who look like me or worship like me. I believe that there are many Trump supporters who also think that.”

Woman, 60s

“While the president can come off as a horse's ass, he still did an extraordinary job for the people of the U.S. Biden is a career politician and does not have the people's best interests at heart. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. ... I am sickened by thoughts of what the new administration will inflict upon us by destroying the intent of our Constitution and will dismantle governance based upon ‘One Nation Under God.’”

Woman, 60s

“To know the facts BEFORE making a decision about things.”

Man, 50s

“I’m a patriot that believes in our Founding Fathers and the Constitution as it was written.”

Man, 50s

“I don't need to be taken care of by the federal government. Both parties need to take care of the common good and stay out of everything else. I have a very narrow view of what the common good is.”

Man, 60s

“I am a person who believes that we, the richest country in the world, should do affordable good deeds for those citizens and those who are longing to become citizens of our great country.”

Woman, 70s

“Democrats care just as much about the country as Republicans do. I always get the feeling the MAGA people think they are the only ones who care about the USA.”

Woman, 50s

“I vote Democratic because I care about others and want everyone to have the same opportunity. I do not want or need free handouts from the government, but I believe more social programs for those that need it will benefit the country and communities as a whole.”

Woman, 30s

“Get information from sources other than the biased liberal media.”

Man, 60s

“Conservatives love the U.S. and personal liberty. We don't want big government ruling over us, we want control of our lives.”

Man, 50s

“Stereotyping the opposition as uneducated and exclusively White and male is an incorrect generalization.”

Man, 60s

“We need to care for each other rather than giving that control to the government. A socialist nation would be disastrous.”

Woman, 60s

“A lot of us also love God, own guns, work for a living, and want what’s best for this country that we also love. Democrats are not evil or lazy people like they have been portrayed and I’m very frustrated to see us being made out to be that way.”

Woman, 30s

“I am a terminally ill single mom. Biden is going to add tax hikes [and] I am already not making it financially. I do not feel protected.”

Woman, 40s

“I am a conservative who believes Trump is a want-to-be autocrat, not what the Republican Party is supposed to be about.”

Man, 40s

“We all want the same things: To take care of our families, be financially secure as much as possible, and live in communities that thrive and serve our needs. I may not support your choice of candidates, but I will fight for your right to support them.”

Man, 50s

“Everyone is different, and there can be a middle point where both supporters meet. That goes for everyone. But Biden supporters shame anyone who voted for Trump, and vice versa.”

Man, 20s

“Being a supporter of Donald Trump does not make me evil. I believe in protecting individual freedoms and giving less power to the government. I believe the best social support for anyone is a job, but we must help those who cannot work or cannot get adequate work.”

Woman, 70s

“For the last four years, you have called me racist, White privileged, etc. Also, you said ‘not my President.’ Now you want unity. Seriously, you supported riots that destroyed property and led to violence. You are the problem, not me. I did not vote for or want him, but Biden will be my President. This is why we have a system.”

Woman, 50s

“Beneath the surface, I think we all want the same thing. The ability to coexist peacefully, good jobs, equality, respect, and good health. Pointing out injustices is not being unpatriotic. I love this country, too, but right is right and wrong is wrong.”

Woman, 40s

“I am not your enemy, I just have different opinions than you. I am not stupid, ignorant or evil. I love God, family and country, in that order.”

Woman, 60s

“That I am for America and they are not. I am for freedom, they are not. I am for free elections, they are not. I am for giving a hand up, not a hand out. I am for legal immigration, they are not. I am for all races, they are not. I am for law and order, they are not.”

Man, 60s

“I am an old school American patriot and I will not tolerate any move towards socialism, period. My father and uncles fought in WWII to prevent this from happening, but young people, for the most part, have no knowledge or appreciation of our history.”

Man, 60s

“I come from an immigrant family. There are many good people just looking for a better life and do not have any intention of harming others.”

Man, 50s

“I am an old school Democrat, I believe in working for a living and representing the ordinary working class citizens by a fair and honest government.”

Man, 60s

“I believe that America is a place of freedom, and I believe in the right to life. I believe in equality of opportunity and that every American has the opportunity to work hard and pull themselves up.”

Woman, 20s

“Trump is playing with all of you. He doesn’t care about the community.”

Woman, 50s

“It is more important to me that we figure out our differences and work to resolve them instead of making such a political divide. We are Americans first.”

Man, 70s

“I am reaching retirement age. I have worked since I was a teenager. I want to be able to retire.”

Woman, 50s

“I couldn’t vote for Trump because I’m not racist and I don’t hate women. I feel like a fair amount of his supporters feel this way. He is a disgusting man that hates so many groups and doesn’t mind the idea of inciting a riot.”

Woman, 30s

“We're not as different as you've been led to believe by mainstream media.”

Woman, 30s

“I want the world to be a better place, and Democratic is not the way to go right now. Wanting to bring immigrants back to America is not the right way to go about it, and taking advantage of the poor is making it worse as well.”

Woman, 30s

“I am very patriotic and feel this country is a special place with a deity-inspired Constitution, which needs to be followed and interpreted as closely as possible. Truth and justice in government is critical and has been slipping too much for the good of you, me, and all citizens.”

Man, 70s

“Although I’m a registered Republican, it seems like the party has become pretty heartless toward the poor and immigrants or refugees, and it makes it hard for me to support them.”

Woman, 40s

“Immigration has made this country stronger, not weaker.”

Man, 40s

“Just because my views are different doesn’t mean I support everything the party I voted for supports, nor do I believe that your different views are necessarily ‘wrong.’”

Man, 20s

“The people who aren’t like you aren’t animals or subhuman or anything else Trump tells you they are. They’re people too. They have rights, even if they crossed the border illegally.”

Man, 50s

“I am a conservative American who believes in a limited government as conceived and written by our Founding Fathers. I believe in low taxes, personal responsibility, hard work and fairness. I believe in the genius of capitalism and the seductive evils of socialism. I believe that America is the greatest country in the history of the world. Competition is good – may the best man win.”

Man, 60s

“I don’t want socialism. I want equal rights and fair treatment for all U.S. citizens.”

Man, 20s

“I feel strongly about following the Constitution, not changing it. I don't feel I have been ‘entitled’ to anything and don’t want a hand out. I work hard and get what I deserve. Life isn’t about free things.”

Man, 60s

“Not all Democrats are in favor of the radical policies put out by some members of the party.”

Man, <20

“I’m just the average person that works for a living and lives check-to-check. I don’t have money put away for a rainy day, and I don’t have a savings account or a retirement fund. I work hard for what I got and nothing was ever given to me, not even opportunities.”

Man, 50s

“Neither one of us has to be afraid of the future of the USA. It isn’t a finite pie that if I have a slice you get less – it’s a renewable resource that we can all contribute to and take from. We aren’t enemies. But you, Trump supporter, have lost my trust and faith and have to earn it back.”

Woman, 50s

“He sold us out and has been for 47 years. He lies constantly and would say anything to get elected. He’s a Trojan horse, but they pulled him inside the walls. Many of them will live to regret voting for him.”

Man, 60s

“I want Trump supporters to know that I am interested in the well-being of people and I want to have collaborative conversations with others with different viewpoints respectfully.”

Woman, 20s

“The rhetoric of Trump and the right makes me feel unsafe in my own country. I work hard for my family too, and I don’t want to be attacked because I think America is better when we are open and forward-looking, not closed and reactive. Also, I do not understand how the right wing can believe the ludicrous conspiracies which claim traditional institutions are corrupt or fake.”

Woman, 30s

“I am a person first, and I should have the same rights and be treated the same as you believe you should be treated.”

Man, 20s

“I believe that THEY deserve basic human dignity also, and that includes health care. I work hard and came from a poor White family, but I worked hard to pull myself up. They don’t want people to be freeloaders, but they need to have faith in the basic goodness of people. No one wants to take advantage of others (or very few do).”

Woman, 50s

“I am a Republican and a veteran. I am an American. Just because you don't like something I do does not mean you can outlaw it because you don't like it. There is a Constitution. Try reading it for a change.”

Man, 50s

“I prepare and take care of myself. I don't look to the government for handouts. I follow the rules or work to change them. I don't think luxuries are essential. Deprivation builds character. The family unit is essential to a strong society.”

Man, 70s

“As a low-income person of color, I feel excluded from Donald Trump’s policies. I don’t feel like he cares about anyone who is not a cisgender, heterosexual, White male or female.”

Woman, 20s

“Love is something we all need to have for each other if we really want things to get better.”

Man, 60s

“We're all Americans. …There's no reason we can’t figure things out and disagree on issues without vilifying those you don't agree with.”

Man, 40s

“We believe in freedom, the power of the individual versus government and traditional value, vehemently opposing ‘cancel culture,’ and in the goodness and greatness of our country.”

Man, 70s

“I care about TRUTH and transparency. You can’t just make up your own facts or call someone ‘fake news’ just because they say something you don’t agree with!”

Woman, 60s

“We use common sense and pay attention so we know lies from facts.”

Man, 60s

“We didn’t start the virus. Not all of us want the dreamers to get a free pass. We aren’t lying that masks can help. It’s all we have right now.”

Woman, 40s

“Nothing is free. Everything that you think Biden will make free has to be paid for somehow and is usually done so by raising taxes on those of us who can barely pay our taxes as it is.”

Man, 30s

“I am not racist or sexist. I believe in personal responsibility and equal opportunity for all, not equal outcomes. Outcomes are left up to individuals.”

Man, 40s

“All of us are Americans and, for the good of the country, we need to get along instead of dividing the country, which serves no purpose. We all want the same things in life, so we need to all work together instead of viewing each other as enemies. One side is no more evil than the other and without each other this nation will never be ‘Great.’”

Woman, 60s

“That they are uneducated, so trying to push their beliefs on me is not going to go over well.”

Man, 20s

“Socialism is not the answer. Biden is a puppet and is being used to get [Kamala] Harris in office. The 25th amendment will be used to remove Biden by his own party, making Harris president and opening up a ton of appointed positions and further rendering our election process worthless.”

Man, 30s

“Being a God-fearing Christian is a good thing for America. We don’t go on a rampage and have riots, unlike the Democrats and Antifa and Black Lives Matter, if we don’t win an election.”

Man, 50s

“Religious freedoms are essential to my existence.”

Man, 70s

“You must have an open mind. Do not rely on social media or one form of media (channel) for news.”

Woman, 60s

“I’m not saying Biden is the best option. It’s just that Trump definitely isn’t the right option either.”

Woman, 20s

“They need to know that the Trump presidency had and has real consequences for people, and they need to have empathy and consider people who are less privileged than them.”

Woman, 20s

“My safety and well-being as someone who is different than you is more important than Trump’s economic decisions, which you seem to revere so much more than your fellow human beings.”

Woman, 20s

“Trump has a proven record of making the U.S. a better place in the four years he has been in office. Biden is a politician that has not helped the U.S. in his 40-plus years in office.”

Man, 50s

“I want them to understand that I am not a wealthy snob. I grew up in a rural area and I understand a lot more than they might believe. I think we can come to an understanding.”

Woman, 60s

“We care about the well-being of all people. The right to life rhetoric is ridiculous if it’s really only a right to birth. Right to life should care for the basic needs of all. If you demand a baby be born, you should be prepared to support their needs for food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education, etc.”

Woman, 70s

“I would like Biden supporters to know that I am allowed to have an opinion. Most Democrats today are not willing to allow for different opinions.”

Man, 40s

“I would like them to understand that I believe that they’ve been brainwashed into being members of a cult. Thus, I have no regard for them or what they think of me.”

Woman, 60s

“I care about the country, the world, the environment, and family ... just like they do. We don’t have to agree on every single item, but we should have respect for differing opinions.”

Woman, 50s

“It’s about the Earth, science, climate change. We should all have the same desire to prolong Earth’s life, and our goals should align for our children’s future.”

Woman, 60s

“Democrats do work. We are not on welfare. We don’t want women to have abortions, however we feel it is their choice.”

Woman, 50s

“I do not agree with everything on the Democratic platform. I do not like extremes on either side. I want to find compromises on issues, but I knew that would never happen under Trump. I feel like he intentionally promoted divisiveness and refused to treat others with respect or civility.”

Woman, 30s

“I try to research as much as possible about the candidates and not just listen to the biased news and commentators. They need to see both sides of the story and let go of their hatred for this president.”

Woman, 70s

“People tend to think of someone who voted for Trump as ignorant and selfish. I wish more people would get to know people of differing views and strive to understand their position. If Biden supporters did this, more of them would realize how narrow-minded a view it is to think this way about Trump supporters.”

Woman, 30s

“They need a better understanding of facts and not assume that if you're not a Trump supporter you're on the far left.”

Woman, 50s

“There are still good, conservative people in the world who want to make a difference and stand up for Christian values and beliefs. People who are against abortion and same-sex marriages. People who are hard-working middle class citizens who are trying to make good choices and do what is right.”

Woman, 40s

“Voter fraud is real, and the Democratic Party does most of it.”

Man, 40s

“I am a gun owner and can do stuff with my hands. We’re not all the stereotype of what they hold of us. But they’re wrong in what they believe about this country.”

Man, 30s

“The things (politicians, ideas, policies) I believe in, I think, would make their lives better – financially, emotionally, physically.”

Woman, 40s

“Get your facts from credible sources, not social media. Do the research yourself so you won't be sucked in by misinformation.”

Man, 60s

“I feel Trump has fueled racial tensions. I feel he has divided the country. Trump has made people mistrust the media and our voting system. He has manipulated the American people into believing everything he says without any basis. I am a lifelong Republican, but I am not a Donald Trump Republican. I am a conservative, but Joe Biden is a much more honorable man.”

Woman, 70s

“I am not a racist. I am not a neo-Nazi. I am not a bigot. I am not a misogynist. I am not a deplorable. I do not hate immigrants, I just want them to enter the U.S. legally. I am not a White supremist. I believe in the laws of this country and feel they need to be followed. I don't think that because I supported President Trump that my name should be put on a list in an attempt to ruin my reputation and my career and try to get people to hate me.”

Man, 60s

“We care about the same things: Family, have a good job to support our family, access to health care, an education of quality for our children, justice for all, good government, strong economy, a country that is not only an economic, but a moral leader on the world scene.”

Woman, 40s

“I would greatly appreciate it if Biden supporters would be even a little more understanding that not everyone agrees with their radical beliefs. ... The liberals have become so intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them, I personally know people who have been wronged for simply having a different political view. ... I would appreciate if the liberals would be more respectful of all people and respect their opinions without getting violent. How many Trump supporters have you seen attacking Biden supporters? None. How many Trump supporters have you seen attacked or harassed? Too many.”

Woman, 20s

“We NEED both parties to contribute to laws to have a successful country. Religion should not dictate women’s medical care. Society norms should adjust as we progress, and [people should] just be more open to listen to people different than them.”

Woman, 50s

“That I am a hardworking woman who has always been self-supporting. Married more than 30 years, mother of three. And the values of hard work, commitment to family, and patriotism are shared by all Democrats I know.”

Woman, 50s

“I’m a gun supporter and owner. I’m a hardworking American that pays for everything with my own hard earned money. I do not live off of assistance programs or take free handouts. ... If you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone. I protect that which I love and care for. I stand by the constitution and my American rights.”

Woman, 20s

“Trump supporters aren’t racist or bigots. Supporting Trump is more about the movement and ideas than the man.”

Man, 30s

“That conspiracy theories are made up to make them hate liberals, when it doesn't represent who we are.”

Woman, 30s

“I am not an ogre. We may disagree politically, but it does not mean we should hate and disrespect each other.”

Man, 70s

“I have more conservative values than they think. I am not a socialist. I want leaders that know how to govern for all people, not just a few.”

Woman, 50s

“I believe that Black lives matter and that we need to support the police.”

Man, 30s

“As a very liberal person, I think the government should mostly leave people alone to live their lives and pursue their happiness. I want that for EVERYONE, not just people on the same side as me. Government should also function as a way for citizens to have fair and equitable access to opportunity.”

Woman, 30s

“I’m not a socialist. I don’t steal elections. I’m an honest person, just like you!”

Man, 60s

“I’m concerned about the future of this nation and the growing divide between Democrats and Republicans – and the extremities on each side. I believe there is a ground on which we can stand where we are not that different – values that will enrich the future of our children. The democratic system has flaws, but I believe in democracy and the checks and balances in place.”

Woman, 30s

“That if they get their information from politicians or the news, there is no way they have an accurate representation.”

Woman, 70s

“The president has to be a leader and set the tone for the nation. Name-calling, bullying and lying certainly seemed to make people think that is acceptable in the U.S. these days. We can work together only if we respect each other.”

Man, 60s

“I used to vote Democrat in the past, but now I dislike the direction. The party has turned to the far left. I don’t agree with their attacks on the police or immigration officers. They’re simply enforcing the laws. If you don’t like the laws, change them.”

Man, 50s

“We're not automatically racist and sexist just for voting for Trump”

Man, 30s

“I am an educated American who has served this country for more than two decades as an army officer. I have seen what socialism and communism does to a nation, and it appears to me that most people here do not have any understanding of where this nation is presently headed under a Biden administration.”

Man, 80s

“I'm an ordinary citizen like them, working hard every day to pay bills and make a positive contribution to sustain and grow jobs in the U.S. ... I care about you and want us to openly communicate and be the answer, not the problem.”

Woman, 60s

“Not everything is about the economy. Human rights are more important than making money and treating this country as a business.”

Woman, 30s

“I am interested in FACTS, and I read and do research to support my opinions. I would not listen to candidates and pundits who spew lies and negativity to be assured of loyalty from their base.”

Woman, 70s

“People who vote against Donald Trump don’t hate America. We just want everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or anything else to feel welcomed.”

Woman 60 s

Rubén Weinsteiner


Rubén Weinsteiner is a political consultant. He directed more than 100 electoral campaigns in the USA, South America, Germany and Spain. He is a university professor and advisor to governments and companies

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